Case Studies
Jump Trading
How Jump Trading Modernized and Streamlined its Docusign CLM Solution with Marshfield Consulting
A quantitative-based trading firm turned to Marshfield Consulting for their expertise in updating legacy Docusign CLM (SpringCM) implementations to current standards while also integrating new eSignature technology.
The Challenge
Jump’s Docusign CLM solution couldn’t support its Legal team’s need for reliable, efficient contract operations. This left Jump with an outdated, unstable Docusign CLM implementation – and no partner to tackle the critical mass of improvements needed.
Marshfield’s Solution
Contracts Manager Kathryn Shepardson found Marshfield through a referral from a trusted colleague. Once she explained the needs and timeline, Marshfield authored a SOW that showcased their expertise of Docusign CLM and deep understanding of Jump’s current implementation.
To begin, Marshfield overhauled the signature process to take advantage of a feature called Review and Send for Signature which was released by Docusign in the time since Jump had originally gone live with their solution. This change enables full previews within Docusign CLM, plus customization and “sign here” tags for counter-party signatures and was a direct replacement an outdated implementation pattern which used Docusign CLM eForms module.
Marshfield also enabled time-savings with auto assignments upon submission of a contract review and reassignment options at key stages in the workflow. To track contracts at any point in the lifecycle, Marshfield added robust workflow analytics which provided much needed instrumentation to be able to extract insights about the steps, actors, and durations that the workflow orchestrates via document reporting.
Benefits & Results
The administrative burden is significantly reduced since Jump has switched to Review and Send for Signature. The Legal team can now add and modify users and tasks on the fly without code manipulation.
Taking advantage of new signature process cuts Legal’s time and number of clicks. The new interface makes work more intuitive and simplified.
Jump is beginning to take advantage of the workflow analytics capabilities. This feature set will allow them to report on bottlenecks and adjust workflows to reduce time in the contract management lifecycle based on quantifiable data.
“Marshfield was incredibly responsive. It was a huge contrast to the conversations I’d had with previous Docusign CLM professional services providers.”
“I can reach out to Marshfield whenever I need to with any questions or issues. Their expertise in Docusign CLM is the best I’ve ever seen.”
Kathryn Shepardson
Contracts Manager, Jump Trading
Workflow metrics give instant insight into bottlenecks
Easier, more intuitive interface for Legal
Docusign CLM implementation improvements delivered on time and on budget
About Jump Trading Group
Jump combines sophisticated quantitative research, best-in-class technology, and an entrepreneurial culture to create a leading global, quantitative-based trading firm. Jump has more than 700 employees across offices in Chicago, New York, London, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Singapore, and Gurgaon, India.
Part of the Jump Trading Group is Jump Capital, a thesis-led, sector-focused and operating centric venture capital firm, specializing in Series A/B and growth stage investments. Jump Capital invests in data-driven technology companies within the FinTech, B2B SaaS, IT/Data Infrastructure and Media sectors. Jump backs entrepreneurs with bold vision seeking a business partner and not just a financial investor.
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